Introducing the Barn

4 min readFeb 4, 2023

The Barn

The barn will display all the items you have accumulated whilst playing Farmland. There will be various ways to accumulate items including purchasing from marketplaces, packs, scavenging, mining etc. For the technically minded, all our in game items are based on the ERC-1155 token standard.


Welcome Packs

Our loyal farmers & those that claimed their Mercenary before 28 Jan 2023 are able to claim a free Welcome Pack. The Welcome packs contain a random assortment of utility & consumable items to help their Explorers on quests.

Care Packs

Whilst all Welcome packs will be free mints, Care packs will need to be purchased with Corn. The care packs will contain a random assortment of consumable items to help their Explorers on quests.

Mystery Packs

The Mystery packs will contain a random assortment of utility & consumable items to help their Explorers on quests.

In addition, by purchasing a care pack you will have a 12.5% chance of receiving a free Mercenary.


Explorers will collect Material items during a scavenger hunt which can later be combined to craft Utility and Consumable items. Utility items, such as Compasses and Maps, provide a boost to the Explorers ability to find Land. Consumable items include Health items which replenish a Explorers health after a quest and Morale items, such as Moonshine, which helps to keep the Explorer’s morale high and improve their chances of finding items and materials during a quest. It’s important to note that some items are consumed and removed from the inventory once used.

Material Items

During the scavenger hunt your Explorers will start to accumulate Materials. Once your Explorers have collected enough materials, it will be possible to combine them to craft new items that will be useful in future Quests & expansions.

Please note, initially at least, all materials will be non-transferable which means that they will need to be crafted into a useful item before they can be sold on a marketplace.

Utility Items

We know that materials can be combined/crafted into items. Items have a special use within the game, normally they’ll provide an Explorer with some sort of boost.

Within the Scavenger Hunt, you’ll be able to use a Compass or Map of varying rarity which will boost the Explorers ability to find Land. There will be a couple of ways to acquire these useful items, firstly your Explorers will need to accumulate sufficient specific materials to later craft the items or may be possible to find them in packs.

Consumable Items


There are also items that can help outside of a quest too, we refer to these as Health Items. These type of items allow players to replenish a Explorers health after a quest. The rarer the item the bigger the health boost an Explorer will receive. It’s important to note that as these items are consumed they are removed from your inventory.


Whilst on quests, the Explorers Morale will reduce and can only be recovered by drinking Moonshine.

It’s important to keep morale high because the amount of Land that can be found on a quest is influenced by their morale. With simple quests like the “Scavenger Hunt”, Explorers will always discover some item or material. However, in more difficult quest it’s possible that an Explorer will return empty handed. Explorers with higher Morale are more likely to see a successful outcome.

Join the community

The Barn is the second part of the Quests expansion that will be rolled out over the next few weeks.

Farmland has been inspired by the community, so if you have any ideas for future expansions, let us know on our Discord!

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Farmland is a “Play and Own” on chain farming game secured by Ethereum. Buy Land, Plant Corn, Harvest, Repeat!